One of the essential tools for securities trading is the stock chart. This chart details the rise and fall of the stock's price as time passes by. To the trained observer though, they prove useful in analyzing the performance of a company's stock, providing bases for predictions on future behavior. To the stock trader, they are the very bread and butter of livelihood, the number one tools in the battle of high finance. If you are interested in trading securities, then you had best learn how to read stock quotes.

A stock chart is simply a graphical representation of the stock’s price over a set period of time. The chart shows you at a glance how a stock has performed. There are three 3 basic types of stock charts (bar, line, and candlestick) and depending on your trading style, each chart will serve its own unique purpose. Regardless of what type of stock chart you use, all three do nothing more than reveal the buying and selling patterns of the investors. This is something that is hard to discern by reading stock quotes in the daily newspaper. That is why charting stocks has become so invaluable. As to learning how to read stock charts to predict future price movements, you need more than just the ability to spot trends. Sure, it may look like it is rising now, but it could easily take a downturn after you buy. Or what looks abysmal at the moment may be revving up for a meteoric rise. The thing is, the trends and predictions on the securities market are like weather forecasts - they are good to work on, but you cannot avoid reversals of fortune. If you want to lessen the gamble and inject some more science into your day trading, you will want to take up online courses on the subject. Not only will you learn how to read stock screener, you will also learn how to buy stocks to maximize profits and how to sell to minimize losses.

The secret behind the success of a stock chart is that extracting some data from it is both a science and an art.  Obviously, stock trading is not a very exact science because there are only some facts you can gather from it while there are many factors which render it almost unpredictable.  However, it becomes an art when you become skillful in reading its flow and pattern.  The more accurately you read a chart, the more intelligently you apply it to the future.  

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